Daniel 6 BIGELOW

Daniel Pratt Bigelow, Nova Scotian who settled in Richland co, OH, and Walworth co, WI.

1592C.3      Daniel Pratt 6 BIGELOW, son of Amasa 5 ( Isaac 4, Isaac 3, Samuel 2, John1 and Rosina (CONE) BIGELOW, was born 09 August 1777 at Cornwallis, Kings county, Nova Scotia. He married there, on 05 May 1804, Emma Johnston, daughter of William and Mary (Peck) Johnston. She was born 30 October 1784, and died at Canso, Nova Scotia 27 January 1822??. Daniel was a shipbuilder in his father's employ until age 21, then built his own ship, and in time had 3 vessels. Living successively in Horton, Pictou, and Canso, he was engaged in the West Indies trade until 1825, when he sold out. He moved to Richland county, OH for nine years, where he was a physician. In 1834 he moved to Milwaukee, WI and built a sawmill. Three years later he sold it and moved to Eagleville, building the first sawmill in that community.
     In 1837 he came to Walworth County, WI and is said to have planted the first crop of winter wheat in Sugar Creek township. The following year he built the first gristmill; lacking buhrs, he hunted out and dressed two granite stones and fitted them to the mill. They were in use several years. On 22?(27) August 1838 in Milwaukee, he married (2) Jane Sleighton, who lived only a few years. In Daniel's old age, he returned to Nova Scotia and lived with his son William, dying at Canso 24 August 1863. (see notes) (see grave)

Children of Daniel and Emma (Johnston) Bigelow:

1592C.31t    Mary Ann, b 10 Feb 1805 Horton; d 02 Mar 1897 Sparta, Monroe, WI; m 20 Jan 1825 Ward Atwater (1797-1878). 9 children.

1592C.32t    William Johnston, b 23 Oct 1806 Horton; d 13 Sep 1875 Canso, Guysborough, NS; m (1)1834 Sarah M. Whitman; (2) Mathilda Publicover. 7 children.

1592C.33      Jane, b 26 Aug 1808 Horton; d ____ ; allegedly m __ Atwater, unless this be confused with her older sister.

1592C.34      Amelia (or Emily), b 27 Apr 1810 Horton; d ____ 1899 Forbes, Christian co, MO; m Isham Day. Large family. (see below)

1592C.35t     Amasa, b 29 Nov 1811 Horton; d 19 June 1876 Topeka, Shawnee Co, KS (while visiting relatives); m 6 Apr 1837 (Richland co, OH) Phoebe Boyce; res WI and CA. 10 children.

1592C.36t     Eliza Lee, b 1 May 1813 Pictou; d 3 Mar 1890 Drain, Douglas co, OR; m 14 July 1833 (St. Clair co, IL) Robert Crouch Kinney. 8 children.

1592C.37t     Daniel, b 24 July 1815 Pictou; d 27 Aug 1895 Sugar Creek, Walworth co, WI; m 21 Oct 1841 Richland co, OH) Amy McCart. 4 children.

1592C.38t     Abigail, b 18 May 1817 Pictou; d 21 Nov 1896; m (1)26 Dec 1834 (Richland co, OH) John Byrd; (2)12 July 1867 John Tomlinson (divorced 1870); (3) 23 July 1878 J.C. Pierce. 7 children.

1592C.39t     James, b 13 May 1819 Canso; d 15 Nov 1893 Sugar Creek, Walworth Co, WI; m _____ (date) Ann Fowler. 5 children.

1592C.3At    Sarah Ellice, a triplet, b 27 Jan 1822 Canso; d 10 May 1886 Sonoma, Sonoma co, CA; m (1) Milwaukee 10 Dec 1839 Isaac Flint; (2) James Cooper; (3) 25 Oct 1857 Sydney Harris. 9 children in all.

1592C.3B     Emma Grace, a triplet, b 27 Jan 1822 Canso; d ____ 1860 Sonoma, Sonoma co, CA; m 10 Oct 1842 (St. Louis, MO) Coleman D. Smith. 6 known children.

1592C.3C     infant son, a triplet, b and d 27 Jan 1822 Canso.

Bigelow Society,The Bigelow Family Genealogy, Vol I, pg 280-281;
Addendum Oct 2006; 
Howe, Bigelow Family of America;  pg 219; #395-940;
LaGrange Pioneers;
marriage and cemetery records NS, OH, IL, WI, MO, CA, OR;
correspondence with descendants.
2024 Note:
Emma Johnston Bigelow died when triplets were born along with one triplet infant, 27 Jan 1822 in Canso, NS.  The two others were sisters, (1592C.3A  R3334 and 1592C.3B  R3335. date of death for emma was also recorded 20 mar 1820 same date as triplets birth and death The grave stone below says died 09 Feb 1823 abt 37 yrs

daniel 6 emma j
Find a Grave  Added by:  chriscooklinwood@gmail.com on 20 Jan 2024

Bigelow Society Library Notes;
.. pg44.. For years they were the only stones used in the mill. Daniel Bigelow married Emma Johnston, of Scotch descent,, who died 35 years of age. Dr. Bigelow was the father of two sons and seven daughters. We have no knowledge of the daughters except that some of them moved to California. Of the sons, Wm. Johnston, born October 23, 1806, married Sarah M. Whitman. Amasa, James and Daniel, Jr., born July 24, 1815, were residents of Walworth Co . James of Sugar Creek, married Ann , sister of Benjamin Fowler of LaGrange. In 1841 Dr. Bigelow sold the Eagleville mill and visited his sons in Walworth County before returning to Nova Scotia. He was listed in the census of 1840 with his son Daniel's family in Sugar Creek. He died, aged 88, in Nova Scotia. - J.A.E.

More notes:
Daniel:  He was a wealthy and prominent man in Nova Scotia, Canada.  He owned a fishery, fleet and mills there.  He moved to Wisconsin and at one time owned 80 acres of land in what is now the heart of Milwaukee.  He built a mill in Waukesha Co.  Ward Atwater worked in the mill for some time.  Daniel's 3 youngest children were triplets.  Emma Grace and Sarah Ellice, age 23, went west with their husbands in 1845.

Forge: The Bigelow Society Quarterly; Vol 28, No. 2 April 1999;
Forge: The Bigelow Society Quarterly; Vol 28, No. 4 Oct 1999;
Forge: The Bigelow Society Quarterly; Vol 30, No. 2 April 2001;

April 2001 FORGE: The Bigelow Society Quarterly; Vol.30, No.2

                             Emily 7 (Bigelow) Day, Daniel 6 Amasa 5 ( Isaac 4, Isaac 3, Samuel 2, John1)

         The following newspaper clipping from a Missouri newspaper in 1899/1900 announcing the death of Emily
         (Bigelow) Day [1592c.34] was contributed by Lucille Bigelow, Spnngjield OR. Articles about Emily's father,
         Daniel and her brother, Amasa 7, appeared in Forge, Vol.28, Nos. 2 - 4 (April - October 1999).  

     Was Ninety Years Old
Mrs. Amelia Day of Christian County Was Buried Sunday
Her Husband One of the Victims of Aif Bolin's Terrible Hate
     Mrs. John Chrisman [Mary 8 Day] returned home from Sparta yesterday, where she was called about two weeks ago by the illness of her mother, who was buried Sunday. Mrs. Day - [ Emily who is sometimes called Amelia], the mother of Mrs. Chrisman, was in her 90th year, having been born in Nova Scotia in 1810. She had lived in Southwest Missouri 50 years.
     Her husband, Isam [Isham] Day, was a Christian preacher, and his murder by the notorious Aif Bolin band of bushwhackers during the civil war is remembered by the older people of Christian and Taney counties as one of the darkest crimes of that period of terror.
     Preacher Day was a Union man and Bolin and his gang captured him hauling a load of corn with a yoke of oxen. A son about 11 years old, now ex- Judge Thomas Day of Sparta, was with the farmer when the bushwhackers made him their prisoner. The guirrillas [sic] chained their captive and took him with the wagon of corn down to White [this section of the clipping is missing.] This was the last word Mr. Day ever spoke to one of his family. The boy went home and told his mother and sisters where he left his father. It was about three weeks before Mrs. Day learned the details of her husband's fate. The bushwhackers took their prisoner down to White River about 14 miles below Forsyth. Here they put him into an outhouse and kept him chained for three days. Then the man was shot and his body sunk into white River, weighted down with rocks. Some time after this a Greene county southern man was going south with his slaves. In crossing the river, one of the negroes was drowned. In searching for the body of the slave, that of the murdered man was found. It was buried near the river, but Mrs. Day never recovered the remains of her husband. There were few men left in the country then and the women were not always equal to sad emergencies of the war.
     Mr. Day was a man of poor health, unfit for military service and because of his well-known peaceable disposition he supposed himself safe from the vengeance of the worst foes of the Union cause. His slayer, Alf Bolin, was betrayed and killed for the price put upon the terrible bushwhacker's head by the federal authorities toward the close of the war. Mrs. Day was the next oldest person in Christian county to old Grandma Foster, the mother of Col. John Foster, who died in Springfield of a wound received at Wilson Creek. Mrs. Foster is now 98 years old and has a good promise of passing her 100th mile stone. She is the widow of a soldier of the War of 1812.                             

Modified - 12/01/2024
(c) Copyright 2009 Bigelow Society, Inc. All rights reserved.
Rod  Bigelow - Director
< rodbigelow@netzero.net >

Rod Bigelow (Roger Jon12 BIGELOW)
Box 13  Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929
< rodbigelow@netzero.net >