by Rod Bigelow of Chazy Lake, N.Y.

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     Welcome to The Bigelow Home Page! Here you will find links and articles of our many interests, which include but not limited to Hockey , Windsurfing, Travel, Fossils , Genealogy , Nature (Fish Pictures) , Chazy Lake , and Rock and Roll. Check out THE BIGELOW SOCIETY and my other interest, the History I have stumbled over in my genealogical research.

Galapagos 2006 Trip.

For other files check out

Pictures 2004-2006; including Belize, taken by my daughter in law Sheri:

Links Page:  link to New Links I've found and:
John and Jean Ryan's web page ;
more pictures: bigelow2.htm

Pictures: This is our latest picture taken in January 2003 on the Snake Bight trail in Everglades National Park.
Pictures of the boys are on  bigelow2.htm
Jeff now has his Masters in Geology from Utah State University, Logan, Utah, and has a job in Salt Lake City.
Matt graduated in 1999 from St. Michaels College, Winooski,VT. and is now working on his Masters in Education at St. Lawrence University. My wife Chris is a retired English Teacher. She and I took a trip in early April 1996 to Utah to see Jeff and also went to Zion, Grand Canyon, and Arches National Parks as well as Flaming Gorge and Canyonlands. My friend and neighbor, Joe White and I took another trip out west in May 1997. Chris and I went to Utah in April 1998 and took this new picture above, which doesn't show her grey hair. Look to Travel links for more information about all the above. I retired from U.S. Customs in 1999, but that's another story.


For some great Christmas stuff visit: Carole Waller's Potpourri Page.
Z e n: "If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?"
From Don Pratt's great page.
also checkout Car Talk Audio Replays, also found on Don's page, check out Karen Chambliss' page.
Get Dilbert

Rod Bigelow
Box 13 Chazy Lake
Dannemora, N.Y. 12929