Keith Arbour, member of the American Antiquarian Society, was the banquet speaker at the 1986 Bigelow Society reunion, 19 July 1986. He chose for his topic the often-questioned "Oath of a Freeman".
"Freeman" in colonial days did not have to do with bondage or servitude, though to be sure, bonded servants were not eligible. Simply put, a freeman was a full citizen of the colony, with the right to vote in town meetings. There were requirements, however, just as there are citizenship and age requirements today.
From the beginning of the establishment of Massachusetts Bay Colony, there were certain steps required. First was the all-important oath of fidelity to the Crown, such as John Biglo took in 1652. The person taking this oath was to be 21 years of age or more, certainly a male, and not an indentured servant or bonded man. The next requirements were those of property ownership and church membership, extremely to the theocratical provinces of New England. Lastly, there was the freeman's oath.
Some colonists, of course, were not particularly religious or followed religious practices frowned upon. We know that Baptists, Quakers, and other non-conformists were harassed and not accepted. John Biglo's father-in-law John Warren had his home searched to see if he were harboring members of those congregations, and though a freeman as early as 1631, by 1659 was fined for non-attendance of church.
In 1690 the matter of membership in the established Puritan church was relaxed, and in Watertown alone, a long list of men were then sworn in as freemen. Among them were John and Samuel Biglow.
Freeman's oath
"Whereas I, [A.B.] being an inhabitant of the Jurisdiction of the
Massachusetts, and now to be made free, Do hereby acknowledge m selfe
to be subject to the Government thereof (Considering how I stand
obliged to the Kings Majesty, his Heires and Successors, by our
Charter and the Government established thereby Do Swear accordingly,
by the Great and Dreadfull Name of the Ever-Living GOD, that I will
bear Faith and true Alegiance to our Soveraigne Lord the King, his
heires and Successors,) and that I will be true and Faithfull to the
same, and will accordingly yeild Assistance and Support "hereunto
with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound; And will also
truely endeavour to maintain and preserve all the Liberties and
priviledges thereof, submitting my selfe to the wolesome Laws made
and established by the same. " And farther that I will not Plot nor
Practice any Evill against it, or consent to any that shall do so,
but will timely discover and reveal the same to Lawfull Authority now
here established, for the speedy prevention thereof. " Moreover I do
solemnly bind my selfe in the sight of God, that when I shall be
called to give my Voyce touching any such matter of this State
wherein Freemen are to deal, I will give my Vote and Suffrage as I
shall in mine own Conscience judge best to conduce and tend to the
Public Weale of the body, without respect of persons or favour of any
man. So help me God in our Lord Jesus Christ." This form of the oath
was in use for many years, replacing a slightly shorter oath in use
from 1631 to 1665. During the American Revolution, a form was adapted
to the new independent government, and many colonists used this new
form to avow their allegiance to the rebel government. Briefly, the
freeman's oath changed as times changed, and the last remnant hangs
on in the oath of Allegiance taken by new citizens of this country.