The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
p.477 Part 1.
For one hundred and sixty years Harvard had but one public burial place - the
field given for that use by the Lancaster proprietors February 5, 1733. Each
year the highway surveyors of the olden times were instructed at the annual
town-meeting "to mow the brush in the burying ground."
May 19, 1766 it was "voted to fence the Burying Place with a stone wall four
foot and half high," and fifteen pounds were appropriated for this improvement,
but every man was given permission to work out his share of the appropriation
working upon the wall, if he chose to do so, within six months.
The grave-digger was one of the town's officials, chosen at the annual meeting.
Thus on March 25, 1754, "the Town appointed Simon Davis to dig graves the year
ensuing." In 1808, the town bought a "hearse and harness" for eighty-eight
dollars. Before that date the coffin was borne to the grave upon a hand bier
by the neighbors of the deceased; or, if the distance was great, it was con-
veyed upon any convenient vehicle to the gate of the burial ground. The little
building known as the hearse-house, until moved in 1821, was beside the pound
where the meeting-house of the Evangelical Society now stands. In 1846 the
present hearse-house replaced the old one upon the present site. March 1,
1886, the town accepted a legacy of one thousand dollars from the estate of
the Honorable Edward Lawrence, a resident of Charlestown
but a native of Harvard, under the provisions of his Will as given:
"to be expended by the Selectmen on such committee as may be appointed with all
reasonable dispatch after receiving the same, in building a new stone wall or
wooden fence as they may think proper, around the old Burying Ground in said
Town and in planting trees therein, and generally in improving the same so as to
make it more in accordance with what such a place should be, and to manifest my
affectionate remembrance of those dear to me lying buried there."
The spot where Deacon William Willard was buried.
With this donation a substantial stone wall was built along the roadside and
other much-needed improvements were effected. At the formation of the Baptist
Society in Still River, it was proposed to locate a 2nd burial place in the read
of their meeting-house, and the fragments of an inscribed stone which lie by a
wall in that place indicate that the body of Deacon William Willard, if no other,
was interred there.
Tomb of William Park, died 1808.
The Shaker Community, about the time of the organization in 1792, set apart a field
for their dead in which there have been a little over three hundred burials. An
enclosed tomb in the Old Mill district bears the inscription "Erected in Memory of
William Park, who died May 15, 1808 and Joseph Munroe who died July 25, 1847 aged
73 years, 3 mos and 23 days." Two or three solitary graves are known to exist in
orchard and field, probably the resting places of those hurriedly buried after death
by contagious disease. One of these, a short distance westward from the alms-house,
is marked by a stone inscribed:
Epitaph for Capt. Benjamin Stewart.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Capt. Benjamin Stewart of Boston
Who died of the small pox, June 16th 1775 in ye 45th year of
His Age.
Other lonely graves, notably that of Israel Reed in 1824, were opened after time and
earth had done their disinfecting work and the relics found were transferred to the
family lot in the public burial place.
The 2nd cemetery at Harvard named Brookside Cemetery.
The old Burial Ground becoming crowded, a movement began in 1891 looking to the
selection and purchase of land for a town cemetery. This resulted in securing about
sixteen acres west of Pin Hill, for which the sum of eight hundred
dollars was paid. The land was at once laid out for burial purposes and named Brookside
Cemetery. The burial place, though centrally located and otherwise suitable for its use
was not distinguished by any picturesque features, now was it so diversified in surface
as to favor the landscape gardener's art. Its selection therefore became the subject of
some criticism, and in September, 1892, Henry L. Warner, Esq., who had before given the
sum of five hundred dollars "to enhance and extend the beauty and ornamentation of the
new cemetery," offered to buy a site better adapted to ornamental treatment and give
one thousand dollars for its improvement if the town would accept the gift and abandon
the location at Brookside.
At a very full town-meeting, September 24th, the town unanimously accepted the generous
Third Cememter - Bellevue.
The new site chosen, to which the name Bellevue has been given, is upon the east side
of the road leading from Still River to Harvard, commanding charming views of Bare Hill,
the lake and the central village; and when the skill of the engineer, the taste of the
gardener and the growth of tree and shrub have perfected their work, it must become one
of the most attractive spots in this beautiful town. There had been but a single
burieal at Brookside Cemetery - that of Mr. John Hutchinson.
Unmarked grave of Elizabeth Willard.
The first burial in the old field, it is said, was that of a young girl, Elizabeth
Willard, by name, whose unmarked grave is in the north-east corner of the enclosure.
Ebenezer Davis is the oldest Memorial Stone - 1735.
The oldest memorial stone is that of Ebenezer Davis dated May, 1735. The building
of the first tombs was authorized in October, 1827; others have been added from time
to time until there are now twelve tombs. In 1884 a public receiving tomb was built
at a cost of five hundred and twenty five dollars. During the excavations for the first
tombs, human bones were unearthed and at a town-meeting in 1829, Leonard Edgarton and
others, being complained against by citizens dwelling near the grounds, were ordered
to build their tombs "where they will neither disturb the dead, nor offend the living."
At a much more recent date, the desecration of the grave of a citizen famous in the
early life of the town, awakened public remonstrance, and the restoration of the
crumbling relics to
their rightful resting place was enforced by a town-meeting. Memorials to the
earliest dwellers upon Harvard soil are for the most part conspicuous by their
absence. The graves of the first Willards, Farnsworths, Athertons, Hapgoods,
Houghtons, Warners, etc., were perhaps beside those of their kin in the older
fields of Groton, Lancaster and Stow, though in this enclosure a large proportion
of the early graves were unmarked and time has so leveled the mounds that their
location is no longer discernible.
The head and foot stones here have all been shaped with hammer and chisel. There
is not one slab rough as rived from the ledge, such as are common in the oldest
burial ground at Lancaster. The near neighborhood of the Pin Hill slate, and the
presence of stone-cutters having the requisite skill, made regular and decently
inscribed memorials possible. These were all small at first, with no other
attempt at decoration than a faintly outlined border, and until about 1750, the
inscriptions were formal and altogether in capital letters of the plainest type.
Sometimes the mortuary artist attempted a deaths' head in low relief as the
crowning adornment of his work; but his representation was as conventional as a
school-boy's first attempts in the same line.
After the middle of the century there began to appear more ambitious stones
and inscriptions and the lettering gives evidence that another and more ambi-
tious artist wielded the chisel. The staring deaths' heads gradually grew into
faces, chubby and meant to be cherubic, as the semblance of wings attached to them
makes evident.
There was no variation from the fashion of slate head and foot-stones until public
gratitude placed memorials over the ashes of the two ministers, Johnson and Grosvenor.
These and that ove Peter Atherton's grave are heavy tables of slate resting horizon-
tally upon pillars of brick and stone. A little before the Revolution, quotations
from the Scriptures and mortuary rhymes began to appear upon the more pretentious
head-stones and soon the fashion of the day pronounced an epitaph crude that did not
close with at least a couplet from the standard works of the anonymous laureate of
grave-yards. The cherubim continued through the century to be the favorite symbol,
but occasionally a draped urn was substituted.
To be continued Part 2 - p. 481 - Epitaphs - Earliest cemeteries at Harvard, Mass.
(note - this file will include all tombstone inscriptions from 1735 to 1800 of all
Harvard burial grounds.)
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth.
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
p.481 Part 2.
The weeping willow was rarely attempted before 1800. The examples of the lucicrous or
greatly incongruous are few here. The sculptured bas-relief of a mother and babe
standing in an arched door-way, which surmounts the epitaph to Martha Green, is the
most note-worthy sample of both.
Rows of graves where three or more of the same family died within a few years of each
other, or even within a single season, like those of the Bowles and the Cole families,
tell of the ravages of epidemics - the scourge of consumption for which Harvard was
once held in ill repute, or the fatal endemic dysentery of 1746 and 1756. In the Bowles
family there were nine deaths within seven years. The portions of the ground earliest
occupied, thickly set with low memorials of native slate, in simplicity present an
eloquent contrast to the newer lots, loaded with costly obelisks or elaborate monu-
ments of imported marbles and polished granite.
The burial grounds since 1888 have been in charge of a special Cemetery Committee of
three citizens chosen annually, and the sum of one hundred dollars is usually appro-
priated each year to cover general care and repairs. There is also available for the
care of special family lots, the income of three permanent funds: the Abigail Newman
Fund of two hundred dollars received in 1888; the Meriam Fund of one hundred dollars
received in 1891 and the Hiram Whitney Fund originally (1884) three hundred dollars,
accepted April, 1892.
Here lies buried the body of Ensign Joseph Atherton, who died August the 16th, 1735,
in ye 43d year of his age.
Peter Atherton, Esq., closed the Scene of Life at Concord during the setting of the
General Court there, of which he was a Member - the 13th of June Anno Dom 1764 in the
60th year of his Age.
Experience, the partner of his life closded the Scene the 14th November 1775 in the
64th year of her Age.
One solitary mansion incloses their remains. Companions in Life they have the conso-
lation of not being separated in death - if indeed Consolation be found in the Grave!
This Monument is erected to their Memory which will ever be dear to the sons & daughters
of Virtue & Religion.
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Atherton wife of Mr. Peter Atherton, who died June 10th,
1793 aged 62 years.
In Memory of Mr. Ephraim Barnard, Jun'r, son of Mr. Ephraim & Mrs. Hannah Barnard, who
died June 27th, 1795, aged 23 years & 4 months.
Mrs. Hannah Barnard who died June 27th, 1795 Aged 23 years & 4 months.
Happy exchange to part with all below for worlds of bliss where joys unceasing flow.
Here lies the Body of Lucy Barnard ye dau. of Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Lucy Barnard who
Died Jan. ye 24, 1752 aged 9 years, 2 M. & 11 Ds.
In Memory of Mr. Benjamin Barnard who departed this life Oct. 24th 1791 in the 79th year
of his Age.
In Memory of Daniel Barnard, son of Lieut. Samuel Barnard & Mrs. Hannah his wife, who
died Oct. 5th, 1799, aged 14 yrs. & twenty 9 days.
With patience Lord I bore thine Hand Till Death did set me free,
Resign'd my breath at thy Command, Hoping to dwell with Thee.
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Bateman, wife of Mr. Jonas Bateman, who died Feb. 19th,
1798 in ye 62 yr of her age.
Lone she lived a life of pain, We trust she reaps eternal gain.
In Memory of Deacon William Bowles who died July 11th, 1766, in the 59th year of his Age.
Hear what the voice from heaven For all the pious dead proclaimed.
Sweet is the savor of their name, And soft their sleeping bed.
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Bowles, Relict of Deacon William Bowles, who departed this life
Nov'r 11th, 1798, in the 57th year of her Age.
Sweet is the Memory of the Just. His end is lasting Peace;
The pious soul ascends from dust - To dwell in endless bliss.
In Memory of Mr. John Bowles, son of Deacon William Bowles, who departed this Life
Sept. 28th, 1795, Aged 32.
Death is a debt to Nature due. Which I have paid and so must you.
Miss Mary Bowles, daug'r of Deacon William & Mrs. Sarah Bowles, who died Nov. 25th,
1792 Aged 27 years.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
Miss Eliza Bowles, dau. of Deacon William & Mrs. Sarah Bowles died Janu'r 9th, 1793.
Aged 20 years.
The sweet remembrance of the Just Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.
Stephen Bowles son of Deacon William & Mrs. Sarah Bowles died Feb. 3, 1793 Aged 4 years.
Sleep on sweet babe & take your rest, To call you home God thought it best.
In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Bowles, son of Deacon William & Mrs. Sarah Bowles who died
Jan'r 24th, 1797. In the 21st year of his Age.
They die in Jesus & are blest. How kind their slumbers are.
>From sufferings & from sin released. And freed from every snare.
In Memory of Miss Anna Bowles, dau. of Deacon William & Mrs. Sarah Bowles, who died
Feb. 20th, 1797 in the 17th year of her Age.
She's bidden worldly vanity And mortal bliss adeau,
And gone to sing without a sigh, The anthem ever new.
In Memory of Mr. Josiah Bowles who departed this life March 29th, 1799 in the 22nd year
of his Age.
Here in the Silent Grave is laid, A Pattern for us all.
His willing Soul with joy obeyed - His Heavenly Father's Call.
In Memory of Mr. William Bowles who died October 19, 1799 in the 26th year of his age.
Sleep on my brother take your rest. To call you home God thought it best.
And at the resurrection morn, I trust He will your soul adorn.
In Memory of Polly Bridge, dau. of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Annes Bridge, who died June 21st,
1788. Aged 16 months & 26 days.
In Memory of Betsy Brooks, dau. of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Betsy Brooks, who died Aug. 19th,
1797, aged 18 months.
Here Lies Buried The Body of Deacon Caleb Brown Who Died November 23 A.D. 1758 in ye
61 Year of His Age.
Here Lies Buried The Body of Hepsabeth Brown, Dafter (daughter) of Deacon Caleb & Mrs.
Elisabeth Brown, Who Departed This Life July ye 4, 1766 in ye 29 Year of Her Age.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of William Burges Son of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Hannah Burges, Who
Died Septr 8, A.D. 1748 Age 3 Years, 2 M & 25 D.
In Memory of Mrs. Martha Burns, wife of Mr. John Burns, who died Aug't ye 13th, 1793;
Aged 96.
Death to ye Saints is no surprise. They view by faith ye Heavenly prize.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Hannah Clark ye Daughter of Mr. Judah & Mrs. Eunice Clark,
Who Deceased July ye 18th 1739 Age 4 Years, 6 M. & 5 D.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Martha Cole dau. of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Judith Cole Who
Dec'd November 23, A.D. 1746, Age 20 Years & 20 Days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Judith Cole ye Wife of Mr. Jona Cole, Who Dec'd
November ye 1st A.D. 1746 Aged 46 Years.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Jedediah Cole Son of Mr. Jona & Mrs. Judith Cole, Who Dec'd
Octobr ye 21st, A.D. 1746 Aged 9 Years, 7 M. & 11 D.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mary Cole daugh'r of Mr. Jona & Mrs. Judith Cole, Who Dec'd
Octobr ye 22d A.D., 1746 Age 3 Years & 25 Days.
In Memory of Sarah Conant Dau. of Mr. William & Mrs. Huldah Conant, who died Sept. ye 16th
1778 in ye 14th year of her age.
Erected in Memory of Mrs. Mary Conn, wife of Mr. George Conn, who died May 19th, 1783;
Aged 70 years.
No house of pleasure here bare ground Did I expect to have.
My bed of rest for sleeping found I've made the silent grave.
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah Curtis wife of Mr. Timothy H. Curtis, who died August 10th 1798
in the 55th year of her age.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Hannah Daby wife of Mr. John Daby who departed this life
November 17th A.D. 1744 Age 58 years & 5 M.
Here lies the Body of Mr. John Daby who departed this life Jan'r 6th A.D. 1769 Aged 80
years and 11 months.
Tis but a few days amount to three score and ten;
And all beyond that short account, is sorrow, toil and pain.
Our vitals with laborious strife Bear up the crazy load.
And drag those poor Remains of Life, Along the tiresome Road.
Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Daby, wife of Mr. John Daby, who Departed
this Life September ye 9, A.D. 1767 in the 62 year of her Age.
My Looks like withered leaves appear. And lifes declining
Light grows dim as Evening shadows are. Life's vanisht into night.
In Memory of Mr. Jonas Davis who departed this Life May 30th, 1764 in the 37th year
of his Age.
To be continued Part 3 - p. 484 - Epitaphs of Harvard.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Marriages Recorded at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
Part 3.
Here lies the Body of Daniel Davis son of Mr. Aaron Davis and Mrs. Ruth, his wife, who
died Dec'r 12th 1778 Aged 10 days & 9 hours.
Here lies Interred the Remains of Mr. John Davis who Departed this life January 29th
1768 in the 70th year of his age.
In Memory of Abigail Davis, dau. of Mr. Flint Davis & Mrs. Abigail Davis, who died Oct.
29th, 1800, aged 5 years & 6 months.
Ebenezer Davis ye son of Ebenezer & Sarah Davis Died May ye 23, 1735 aged 20 days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Davis ye Wife of Mr. Eleazer Davis, who died Feb.
ye 3d A.D. 1746 Aged 31 years, 9 M. 23 D.
Here Lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Abigail Davis, Consort of the late Mr. Eleazer Davis,
deceased, who Departed this Life July ye 29, 1762 Aged 58 years, 11 months & 13 days.
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. Eleazer Davis who departed this Life March ye 26, A.D.
1762, Aged 59 years & 10 Days.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Dickinson, wife of Mr. Francis Dickinson, who departed this life
April 13th, 1790 Aged 40 years, 3 months & 6 days.
Here lies ye Body of a daughter of Lieut. Isaac Dodge and Mrs. Elizabeth his wife, who
was born April 21st and died April 23d, 1782.
Here are deposited the Remains of Deacon Josiah Fairbank, who departed this Life Dec. 6,
1772 in the 79th year of his Age.
In him were happily united those Graces and Virtues which are the distinguished Ornament
of the Christian Life. He was a tender husband, a kind and instructive Father, a generous
Friend & good Neighbour. Having served his Generation, yielding to the Will of God, he
fell asleep in a well-grounded Hope of a blessed Resurrection to Immortal Life through the
Merits of the Redeemer. Mark the perfect Man and behold the upright for the End of that
Man is Peace.
Here lies Interred the Body of Mrs. Mary Fairbank, Relict of Deacon Joseph Fairbank, who
departed this Life Nov. 14, 1791 Aged 91 years, 11 mos. and 6 days.
Erected In Memory of Abigail Fairbank, Wife of Capt. Joseph Fairbank, who departed this
Life April 12th, 1798 Aged 76 years, 10 months & 6 days.
Here lies interred ye Body of Thomas Fairbank, Son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Abigail Fairbank,
who deceased October ye 10th A.D. 1756 Aged 5 years, 11 mos. & 17 Days.
Here lies Interred ye Body of Ephraim Fairbank, Son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Abigial Fairbank,
who Deceased October ye 15, A.D. 1756, Aged 2 yrs. 11 months.
In Memory of Lydia Fairbank, dau. of Deacon Phinehas & Mrs. Sarah Fairbank, who departed
this Life October ye 1, 1782 in ye 22nd year of her age.
When on my Grave you turn your Eyes, Remember you were born to die.
Dear youth take care, beware, Prepare to follow after me.
In Memory of Deacon Phinehas Fairbank who departed this life Aug. 22, 1800 in the
82d year of his Age.
By long experience I have known Thy sovereign power to save;
At Thy command I venture down Securely to the grave.
When I am buried in the dust, My flesh shall by thy care,
These withering limbs with Thee I trust To raise them strong & fair.
In Memory of Miss Mary Fairbank, dau. of Lieut. Amos Fairbank & Mrs. Lucy, his wife,
who departed this Life Nov. ye 1st A.D. 1784, aged 18 Years, 7 months & 4 D.
Retire my Friends, dry up your Tears,
Here must I lie 'till Christ appears.
Here Lies the Body of Mrs. Lucy Fairbank, Wife of Mr. Amos Fairbank, deceased Nov. 12,
1767, aged 28 Years & 12 Days.
Here are deposited the Remains of Mr. Jabez Fairbank, who departed this Life May ye 18,
A.D. 1774, Aged 30 Years, 2 months & 10 Days.
Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now so will you be. Prepare for Death and follow me.
Here lies ye Body of Mary Fairbank Daftr (dau) to Mr. Jabez & Mrs. Keziah Fairbank who
died Oct. 11, A.D. 1777, Aged 5 years, 5 months & 20 days.
Here are deposited ye Remains of Manasseh Fairbank son of Mr. Jabez & Mrs. Keziah Fairbank,
who was Born October 3d, 1767 & departed this life the same day.
Here lies buried ye Body of Cyrus Fairbank ye son of Mr. Phinehas & Mrs. Sarah Fairbank,
who deceased Octob'r ye 5th, A.D. 1746, aged 5 years, 6 mos. & 13 days.
Here lies buried the Body of Elizabeth Fairbank the dau. of Mr. Joseph & Mary Fairbank,
who died November the 19th, 1736 aged 2 years & 19 days.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Cyrus Fairbank, son of Mr. Joseph & Mary Fairbank, who died
September the 3d 1736 aged 10 years, 6 mos. & 11 Days.
Here lies Interred ye Body of Mrs. Mary Fairbank, Wife of Mr. Joseph Fairbank, Jun'r, who
departed this Life August ye 26, A.D. 1748, Aged 25 years, 10 months & 17 days.
Erected in Memory of Mr. Joseph Fairbank, Jun'r who departed this Life May 12th, 1784, Aged
40 years, 5 mos. and 18 days.
Tho' I am dead and in my grave & all my bones are rotten!
When this you see remember me, if not yet quite forgotten.
In Memory of Mrs. Eunice Farnsworth, Relict of Mr. Nathaniel Farnsworth, who departed
this life Aug. 6th, 1799 in the 79th year of her age.
In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Farnsworth who departed this Life March 7th, 1784 Aged 70 years.
Memento mori. Here lies Buried the Body of Mr. John Forbush who departed this Life Dec'r
6th, 1775, Aged 65 years & 23 days.
Here lie the Remains of Mrs. Eunice Forbush, Wife of Mr. John Forbush, who departed this
Life March 14th, 1788, Aged 74 years, 9 mos. & 14 days.
Here Lies buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Fullam wife of Lieut. Elisha Fullam, who died May
15th, 1776 in ye 53d year of her age.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Gates ye Wife of Ensign Jacob Gates, Who De-
parted This Life January ye 24th A.D. 1741-2, aged 37 years, 9 mos. & 15 days.
Here Lies the Body of Abraham Gates, son of Mr. Jonathan Gates and Mrs. Mary his wife, who
died Nov. 1st, 1770 aged 2 mos. and 6 days.
Here lies interred the Body of Ensign Jacob Gates who departed this Life August 22, 1769 In
the 71st year of his age.
The wise, the just, the pious & the Brave, Live in their death & flourish from ye grave.
Grain laid in earth repays ye peasant's care. And evening suns but set to rise more fair.
To be continued Part 4 - p. 486 - Epitaphs from Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
p.486 Part 4.
Erected In Memory of Capt. Isaac Gates who departed this Life Oct'r 30th, 1796 In the
68th year of his age.
In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Geary who departed this Life Jan'r 29th, 1791 in the 59th year
of his Age.
Forbear my friends to weep, Since death has lost its sting.
Those Christians that in Jesus Sleep, Our God will with him bring.
Here lies Interred the Remains of Mr. John Goldsmith who was killby by the fall of a stick
of timber at Acton on the 22nd day of September, 1798, aged 28 years, 5 months & 5 days.
This Monument is erected In memory of Mr. Sherman Goldsmith son of Mr. Richard & Mrs.
Sarah Goldsmith, who departed this Life at the Island of Tobago, January, 1796 in the 23rd
year of his Age.
What though in foreign lands remote from home,
The dying stranger gently sinks to rest.
Yet man's vast brotherhood shall build his tomb,
And the lorn pilgrim lodge on Nature's breast.
In Memory of Mrs. Martha Green & Infant Babe, the amiable and virtuous Consort of Dr.
Peter Green, who departed this Life June 8th, 1770 in the 25th year AETats.
To the deep regard to those who were so happy as to be nearly allyed to her, and the
great grief of numerous friends whose esteem her affable and oblidging deportment had
justly merited. How charming all, how much she was adored alive; now dead how much
is her loss deplored.
This stone marks the grave of Miss Lucy Grosvenor, eldest daughter of the late Reverend
Ebenezer Grosvenor and Mrs. Elizabeth Grosvenor his relict. She died the 8th day of Feb.
1795, in the 29th year of her age.
Who would resemble this young lady must fly the noise and notice of the gay, and seek
in retirement the hallowed pleasures of society, sympathy & devotion. Each lovely scene
shall thee restore. For thee the tear be duly shed. Endeared till life can charm no more,
And mourned till pity's self be dead.
Erected In Memory of Miss Nancy Grosvenor, Daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Grosvenor, and
Elizabeth, his wife. She died in the 16th year of her Age.
The bloom of youth with all the charms, Which make fair virtue dear,
Must yield alas! to deaths cold arms; For these lie buried here.
Erected to the Memory of Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor, son of the Rev. Ebenezer Grosvenor and
Elizabeth his wife. A student at the University of Cambridge & would have compleated his
academical studies the commencement following; but death summoned him to the world of
spirits and blasted the expectations of his admiring friends. He died May 15, 1788, aged
20 years.
The tears that bountifully flow at the memory of the deceased are but a tribute due to
virtue. See death invades the sacred ties of love, Bands of parental tenderness dissolve,
And calls from earth the soul to virtue formed, To leave this lump of clay it once adorned.
When raised to more substantial joys on high, How great the change, how pleasing tis to
Author's note: The epitaph upon the Memorial placed by the town over the grave of Rev.
Ebenezer Grosvenor has been given on a previous page. (of this book).
Memento mori. In Memory of Miss Mary Hale, dau. of Mr. Benjamin Hale and Mrs. Mary Hale,
his wife, who departed this Life April ye 12th, 1782. Aged 19 years, 4 months & 6 days.
Here lies the Body of Mr. Benjamin Hale, who departed this Life Sept. 20th, 1771 In the
43d year of his age.
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Timothy Hall, Who Died September 13th, A.D. 1751. Age
32 Years, 7 M. and 10 D.
Here lies the Body of William Hall, son of Mr. John Hall & Mrs. Sarah his wife, who died
April 15th, 1781, Aged 1 year, 9 months and 12 days.
Here lies the Body of Sally Hall, dau. of Mr. John Hall & Mrs. Sarah his wife. She died
August 24, 1778, Aged 3 years, 3 M and 2 D.
Happy ye babe who priveg'd by fate, To shorter labour & to lighter weight.
Received but yesterday ye gift of breath, Ordered tomorrow to return to death.
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Hamlen, wife of Capt. Eleazar Hamlen, who departed this life
Nov. ye 15th, 1788 In the 45th year of her Age.
Here lies the Body of Asia Hamlen, son of Capt. Eleazer Hamlen & Mrs. Sarah his wife,
who died Nov. ye 2, 1778. AEt. 4 years, 5 mos. & 21 days.
In Memory of Mr. Nathan Hartwell, who died Dec. 8, 1768 in the 49th year of his age.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Hartwell, wife of Mr. Nathan Hartwell, who died Oct. 21, 1800,
aged 77 years.
Erected in Memory of Lieut. Shadrach Hapgood, who departed this Life, October 6th, 1782,
Aged 77 years & 11 months.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Asa Hapgood ye son of Lieut. Shadrach & Mrs. Elizabeth Hapgood
who died August ye 16th, A.D. 1743 aged 3years, 2 M. & 2 D.
Here lies buried the body of Mrs. Mary Haskell, Wife of Deacon Joseph Haskell, Dyed Feb.
ye 23, 1744-5 Aged 43 years & 9 months.
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Abigail Haskell, wife of Deacon Joseph Haskell, who died Jan.
27th, 1775, Aged 71 years & 2 M.
In Memory of Deacon Joseph Haskell, who departed this Life Aug't 7th, 1791 In the 93
year of his Age.
Memento mori. In Memory of Miss Eunice Haskell, dau. of Mr. Moses & Mrs. Anna Haskell, who
departed this Life July 16th, 1782, Aged 28 years.
In Memory of Mr. Asa Haskell, son of Mr. James Haskell & Mrs. Anna, his wife. Who died Nov.
22d, 1777, Aged 24 years and 21 days.
Here lies Interred the Remains of Capt. Samuel Haskell, who departed this Life October
13th, 1770, Aged 55 years and 29 days.
In Memory of Mrs. Sybel Haskell, Relict of Capt. Samuel Haskell, who departed this Life
July 9th, 1799, in the 77th year of her Age.
In Memory of Sarah Haskell, dau. of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Ruth Haskell, who died July 1, 1800,
aged 7 years & 3 months.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Henry Haskell who Departed this life April ye 17th, A.D.
1739, about the 62 year of his Age.
Here lies Buried ye Body of ye Widow Ruth Haskell, Relict to Mr. Henry Haskell, Who
deceased June ye 16th, A.D. 1749, about ye 67th year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Haskell, wife of Colonel Josiah Haskell, who died Jan'y 5, 1798
aged 53 years.
In Memory of Mr. John Hill, died May ye 30, 1764, aged 27 years, 3 mos & 10 days.
Behold and see You that pass by - As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now So you Must Be. Prepair for Death and follow me.
In Memory of Capt. Samuel Hill who departed this Life Sep'r 21st, 1797 in the 63d year of
his Age.
So sleep the saints & cease to groan. When sin & death have done their work,
Christ hath a glory like his own That waits to clothe their sleeping dust.
Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. John & Mrs. Esther Houghton, died ye 20th of Sept'r 1771 Aged
1 Year, 1 Month & 26 days.
To be continued Part 5. p.488 - The Old Burial Grounds of Harvard by H. S. Nourse.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
Part 5.
Eunice Houghton, Daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Elisabeth Houghton, died ye 30th of March,
1769, Aged 4 years, 8 months & 14 Days.
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. Thomas Houghton, Who Departed This Life March ye 9th,
A.D. 1764, Aged 67 years, 11 Months & 9 Days.
In Memory of Mrs. Moriah Houghton, wife of Mr. Thomas Houghton, who died May 2d, 1790,
Aged 91 years & 10 months & 13 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Olive Houghton, daftr of Mr. Asa & Mrs. Elizabeth Houghton, Who
Deceased Octr ye 22, 1757 Aged 4 years, 7 months & 20 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Asa Houghton, son of Mr. Asa & Mrs. Elisabeth Houghton, He was born
August ye 1, 1756 and Died ye 7th Day (after).
Jonathan Houghton, son of Mr. Asa & Mrs. Elizabeth Houghton, was born ye 10th & died
October ye 13, 1750, aged 3 days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Samuel Hunt, who departed this Life July 4th, 1775 in
ye 68th year of his Age.
Here lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Tabitha Hunt, wife of Mr. Samuel Hunt, who died Nov. 2nd
1762 in ye 68th year of her Age.
Memento mori. In Memory of Ensign William Hutchins, who departed this Life March 7th,
1772, in ye 77th year of his Age.
Here Lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Bethiah Hutchins, Wife of Mr. William Hutchins, Who
Departed this Life Oct'r ye 21, A.D. 1750, in ye 59th year of Her Age.
Here Lies the Remains of Capt. Jabez Keep, who departed this Life Aug. 19th, 1774, Aged
68 years, 4 months & 28 days.
Nahum Kimball, a promising and amiable child of Benjamin Kimball, Esq. & Mrs. Nancy
Kimball, his wife - died Dec. 9th, 1798 aged 4 years.
So fades the lovely blooming flower, Frail son, solace of an hour.
So soon our transient comforts fly, And pleasure only blooms to die.
In Memory of Mr. Ebenezer Kingman who departed this life March 25th 1781, Aged
77 years, 2 months and 2 days.
In Memory of Mrs. Content Kingman, who departed this Life Aug't 29th, 1791, Aged 71
years & 7 days.
Memento Mori. Here lies the Body of Mr. Daniel Knight, who Departed this Life October
18th, 1769, aged 33 years & 5 months.
Here Lies ye body of Deacon Jeremiah Laughton who departed this Life August ye 11th, A.D.
1775, Aged 49 years, 11 months & 27 days.
Here lies ye body of Olive Laughton, daft'r of Deacon Jeremiah & Mrs. Rachel Laughton,
Died November ye 25, 1768, aged 6 years.
In Memory of Mr. John Laughton, Who departed this Life May 25th, 1791, Aged 35 years,
10 months & 28 days.
Happy exchange to part with all below, For worlds of bliss when joys unceasing flow.
Here lies ye body of Mrs. Sarah Laughton, wife of Deacon John Laughton, who departed
this Life February ye 4, A.D. 1772, Aged 90 years, 11 months & 24 Days.
Here lies ye Body of Deacon John Laughton, who Died March ye 5th, A.D. 1768, aged 86 yrs.
1 month & 17 days, and he lived with the wife of his youth 61 years and 18 days.
Here lies ye Body of Phebe Lawrence, Daft'r of Mr. Abel & Mrs. Phebe Lawrence, Who died
Oct. ye 31, 1756, aged 12 years, 6 mos. & 9 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Tryphena Lawrence, Dafter of Mr. Abel & Mrs. Phebe Lawrence, who Died
November ye 12, 1756 Aged 7 months & 20 days.
In Memory of Benjamin Lawrence, who died Aug. 26, 1775, AEtatis 23 years, the adopted son
of Mr. Nathan & Mrs. Mary Hartwell.
Here lies the Body of Mr. Benjamin Lawrance, he died July ye 5th, 1767, aged 53 years.
Here Lies the body of Mr. Jonah Maynard, who died Oct'r ye 21st, 1785, In the 29th year
of his age.
Erected in Memory of Doctor Ephraim Munroe, who died Dec. 8, 1795 in the 51st year of his
The Almighty spoke nor durst the power reply
A revrend horrour silenced all the sky.
Trembling they stood before their Father's look.
At length his best beloved the power of Wisdom spoke.
Erected in Memory of Mrs. Mercy Munroe, wife of Doctor Ephraim Munroe, who died
November 10, 1788, in the 36th year of her age.
Friends and physicians could not save my mortal body from the grave,
Nor can the grave confine me here When Christ shall call me to appear.
Here lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Meriam Neland, Wife of Mr. Joseph Neland, who Died
March ye 15, 1763, In ye 54th year of Her Age.
Though of a date later than included in the plan of this record, the following epitaph
is inserted as of especial interest. The slate stone upon which it is inscribed stand
in the extreme western corner of the cemetery:
Othello, the Faithful friend of Henry Broomfield. Came from Africa about 1760; died 1818,
Aged about 72 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Alice Park, wife of Mr. Joseph Park, departed this Life Feb. ye 9th, 1788,
in the 32nd year of her Age. She was Daughter of Capt. Eleazer Hamlen and Mrs. Lydia Hamlen,
his wife.
Revolutionary War Soldier died in battle:
Memento Mori. Here Lies ye Body of Andrew Park, son of Mr. John & Joan Park, who departed
this Life July 6, 1775 in the town of Cambridge, in his Country's Service, Aged 18 years,
1 month and 17 days.
My fellows and brothers dear, And sisters that to me were near,
Come view the Place where I do lie, And think of your Eternity.
A pleasant youth, a loved son, And God that made him called him home.
Here lies the Body of Mr. John Park who departed this Life September 20, 1768 Aged
67 years.
Mourn not for me my family, But live in Unity. Remember you must quickly come, To
lie in dust with me.
In Memory of Mrs. Jane Park, Relict of Mr. John Park, who departed this life Feby. 6th
1800 in the 87th year of her age.
Lord I commit my soul to Thee. Accept the sacred trust.
Here lies ye body of Mrs. Margaret Parker, Wife of Mr. Moses Parker, who departed this
Life May ye 3. 4. A.D. 1750 aged 77 Years & 12 Days.
Gad Pearce, son of Mr. William & Mrs. Marcy Pearce, Who Died July ye 19th, 1739, Age 2
years, 2 mos. & 2 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Jonathan Peirce, Son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Sarah Peirce, who died
Oct'r ye 19, 1759, Aged 11 months & 19 Days.
Here lies ye body of Mrs. Sarah Peirce, Wife of Mr. Jonathan Peirce, Who departed this
Life March ye 3d A.D. 1771, Aged 36 Years & 23 Days.
Capt. Walter Pollard died Feb. 5, 1790. AEt. 80 years. Dorothy Pollard his wife, died
June 22, 1791 AEt. 76 year.
To be continued Part 6 - p.490 - Epitaphs of Harvard, Mass. Burial Grounds.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
Part 6.
In Memory of two children of Capt. Thad. & Mrs. Submit Pollard - Nathan Pollard died
Nov. 14th, 1786 Aged 4 years, 7 months & 28 days. - Nabby Pollard died Jan'r 20th, 1790,
Aged 17 months & 22 days.
Early in life our God hath called us home To sound his praise & bow before His Throne.
In Memory of Miss Eusebia Pollard, dau. of Capt. Thad. & Mrs. Submit Pollard, who died
March 23rd, 1790 Aged 21 years, 5 months & 15 days.
My days are spent, my race is run; Remember me though dead and gone.
Cease my beloveds to complain. My sleeping dust shall rise again.
In Memory of Mrs. Submit Pollard, wife of Capt. Taddeus Pollard, who died Jan. 26th,
1790 Aged 41 years, 6 months & 17 Days.
When Christian meekness, truth & Love, Are ripened for the world above -
How great the privilege to rise, Snatched in a moment to the skies.
Erected In Memory of Mr. Ephraim Pollard who departed this Life, April 15, 1799 in the
32nd year of his Age.
Sleeping in Death, lies buried here, A tender Parent, Husband dear;
With strict integrity of Heart, He acted well his mortal part.
Just as the grass is withered, Beneath the scorching sun,
His glory in the dust is laid. His usefulness is done.
In Memory of Mr. Isaral Pollard, son of Mr. James & Mrs. Molley Pollard, who died
Jan'r 1st, 1788, Aged 19 years and five months.
In Memory of James Pollard, son of Mr. James Pollard & Mrs Molley, his wife, who
died July 19, 1779, Aged 19 years & six months.
In Memory of Sarah Pollard, dau. of Mr. James Pollard & Mrs. Molly, his wife, who died
April ye 7th, 1782, Aged one year, 3 months & 18 days.
Cally Pollard, Daughter of Mr. David Pollard & Mrs. Patty Pollard. Died May ye 7th,
1783 Aged 2 years and 5 months.
In Memory of Mrs. Rachel Pollard, wife of Mr. Ephraim Pollard, who departed this Life,
August 10th, 1793, in the 28th Year of her Age.
The Bride lies in the silent Tomb, Like a rose, cropt in perfect bloom;
Death Crowns her life in virtue spent, And gives her soul its full content.
We, living than the virtuous dead. A greater lost sustain;
The pious soul to bliss is fled, While we with vice remain.
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Priest, the relict of Mr. Daniel Priest, who died
September the 6th, 1737 in the 53d Year of Her Age.
In Memory of Oliver Priest, son of Mr. Jacob & Mrs. Mary Priest, who died Dec'r 11th,
1791, Aged 1 month and 10 days.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Priest, wife of Mr. Jacob Priest, who died Nov'r 7th, 1791 aged
33 years, 5 months & 19 days.
Dust thou has conquered me. I by thy dart am slain;
But Christ has conquered thee - And I shall rise again.
In Memory of Miss Sarah Priest, dau. of Capt. Philemon & Mrs. Lois Priest, who died
March 2, 1800 Aged 21 years.
Fresh in the morn the summer rose hangs withering ere 'tis noon;
We scarce enjoy the balmy gift, But mourn the pleasure gone.
Here Lies The Body of Mrs. Hazadiah Priest, Who Died July The 1, 1736 in the 19th Year
Of Her Age.
Here lies the Body of the Widow Rachel Priest, Who Died May ye 17th, 1737 in the 81st
Year of Her Age.
Here lies ye body of Sarah Priest, Daft'r of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Priest, who died
January ye 7, 1772, aged 10 months & 27 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Mary Priest, Daft'r of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Priest, Who Died
June ye 9, 1767, Aged 2 Years & 4 months.
Here Lies ye Body of Calvin Priest, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Priest, who died Oct. ye
2, 1762. Aged 3 weeks & 4 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Mary Priest, Daft'r of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Priest, who died Sept.
ye 29, 1756, Age 1 Year and 27 Days.
Here Lies ye Body of a Son of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Priest, Born July ye 19, 1749 &
Deceased ye Same Day.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Priest, Ye Wife of Mr. John Priest, Who Deceased
December ye 6th, A.D., 1744, Age 24 Years, 7 Months & 19 Days.
Here lies ye body of Mr. John Priest, who departed this Life April ye 4th, A.D. 1772,
Aged 54 years, 4 months & 2 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Mrs. Mary Priest, wife of Mr. John Priest, who departed this Life
June ye 17th, A.D. 1772 Aged 43 years.
In Memory of Miss Relief Priest, daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Priest, who died
September 11th, 1794, Aged 26 years, 9 months & 28 days.
In Memory of Mr. Jabez Priest, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Priest, who departed this Life,
Nov'r 23d, 1789, Aged 25 years & 10 months.
Just in my prime & noon of day, The Lord hath called, I must away.
Down to the dust till Christ returns And summons all before his throne.
Here lies ye body of Mr. Jeremiah Priest, who departed this Life December ye 28, 1781,
Aged 60 Years & 8 months.
Dear friends for me pray do not weep, for her I lye in dust and sleep,
And her indeed I must remain, till Christ shall raise me up again.
Here lies buried the Body of Job Proctor, ye son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Elizabeth
Proctor, Who Departed This Life October ye 7th, A.D. 1751, Age 21 years, 1 mo. & 14 days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Amos Proctor, Son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Elizabeth Proctor,
who deceased September 5th, A.D. 1749, Age 10 years, 6 mos. & 17 Days.
In Memory of Mr. Jonathan Puffer, who died November 1st 1782, Aged 71 years.
So sleep the Saints & cease to groan. When sin & death have done their worst,
Christ hath a glory like his won, Which waits to clothe their sleeping dust.
Erected in Memory of Leiut. Jonathan Puffer, who departed this Life September, 1789,
Aged 36 years.
Behold and see as you pass by, As you are now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me.
Here lies the Body of Molly Puffer, daughter of Mr. Jonathan Puffer, Jun'r and Mrs.
Abigail Puffer, his wife, who died May 8th, 1776, Aged 1 year, 4 mos. and 22 days.
Here Lies The Body of Silas Rand, the son of Mr. Jonathan Rand & Abigail, who died
December the 26, 1736 & was 11 years, 7 mos. & 26 days old.
Here lies ye body of David Randall, Son to Mr. Stepehn & Mrs. Sarah Randall, who died
March ye 18, A.D., 1776, Aged 5 years, 1 month & 29 Days.
Here lies ye Body of Sarah Randal, Daft'r of Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Sarah Randal, who died
March ye 21 A.D., 1776, Aged 5 years & 14 Days.
In Memory of James Robins, son of Capt. Benjamin & Mrs. Lydia Robins, who died Sept. 25,
1794, aged 5 months & 23 days.
To be continued Part 7 - p. 492 - History of Harvard - Epitaphs.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
Part 7.
In Memory of Suky Robins, dau. of Lieut. Benjamin Robins & Mrs. Lydia Robins, who
died May 5th, 1791, aged 10 days.
In Memory of James Robins, son of Capt. Benjamin & Mrs. Lydia Robins who died Sept.
13th, 1794, Aged 2 years, 2 mos. & 24 Days.
In Memory of Miss Sally Robins, dau. of Capt. Benjamin and Mrs. Lydia Robins, who
departed this life May 25, 1797 aged 18 years and 5 months.
In Memory of Peter Robins, son of Mr. Jacob Robins and Mrs. Anna his wife who died
March 20th 1770 Aged 5 years.
In Memory of Susannah, dau. of Mr. Jacob Robins & Mrs. Anna his wife, who died March
12th, 1776, Aged 3 years, 3 months & 5 days.
In Memory of Ephraim Whitcomb Robins, son of Mr. Jacob Robins & Mrs. Anna, his wife, who
died March 23d, 1770 Aged 13 months and 5 days.
Memento mori. In Memory of Lieut. Jacob Robins who departed this Life, Nov. 25th,
1778, in the 50th year of his Age.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Abigail Rugg, who deceased Sept. ye 30, A.D. 1746,
Age 31 years, one month & 19 Days. Also their child, Releaf Rugg, who died Sept 30th,
1746, Age 11 mos & 14 days.
Here lies buried ye Body of Mrs. Deborah Russell, ye wife of Mr. Amos Russell, who
deceased September ye 14th, A.D. 1745, Aged 17 years, 11 months & 28 days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Parker Russel, son of Mr. Jason & Mrs. Elisabeth Russel,
who deceased Nov. 16th, A.D. 1750 Age 4 years, 6 mos.
Here lies buried ye body of Parker Russel ye son of Mr. Jason & Mrs Elisabeth Russel
who deceased May ye 7th, 1745, age 3 years, 10 mos. & 16 days.
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. John Sampson Who Died April ye 29, 1759, Aged 62 Years,
7 months & 1 day.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Abigail Sawyer, dau. of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Abigail Sawyer,
who deceased Deceased May ye 15, 1740, age 4 years, 6 mos. & 15 Days.
In Memory of Mr. Joseph Sawyer, who departed this life May 9, 1775 In the 66th year of
his age.
In Memory of Mrs. Abigail Sawyer, Relict of Mr. Joseph Sawyer, who died March 30th,
1793, in the 85th year of her Age.
Here lies buried ye body of John Sawyer, son of John & Mary Sawyer, who deceased August
ye 17, 1739, Aged 16 years, 10 mos. & 10 days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Sarah Sawyer, Wife of Mr. Caleb Sawyer Who Departed
this Life, November 15, A.D. 1757 in ye 90th year of her Age.
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. Caleb Sawyer, Who died February ye 12, 1755, Aged 98
years, 10 mos. & 2 Days.
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Relief Sawyer, Wife of Mr. Caleb Sawyer, Who Died
December ye 2nd, 1764, Aged 24 Years, 10 Months & 20 Days.
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. Seth Sawyer Who Died March ye 29th, 1768, Aged 63 Years,
2 months & 29 Days.
Here lies the Body of Mille Stone, dau. of Mr. Joel Stone & Mrs. Eunice, his wife, who
died Dec'r 17, 1771, aged 1 Year, 6 mos. & 23 Days.
In Memory of Mr. James Stone, son of Mr. James & Mrs. Deborah Stone, who died May 21st
1789, Aged 40 years.
In Memory of Mr. James Stone who departed this Life June 24th, 1788, Aged 60 years and
10 months.
Also in Memory of Mrs. Deborah Stone, wife of Mr. James Stone, who departed this Life
Nov. 2nd, 1774, Aged 46 years, and 33 days.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Stone, Wife to Mr. Micah Stone. She died Aug't ye 21st, 1764, Age
26 years & one month.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Anna Stone, dau. of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Hannah Stone, who
deceased February 25th, 1749, Age 7 years, 9 mos. & 12 days.
Here Lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Moriah Stone, Wife of Mr. Oliver Stone, Who Died
June ye 13, 1754, Aged 32 years, 11 mos. & 20 Days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Eunice Stone, dau. of Mr. Simon Stone & Mrs. Eunice Stone,
who deceased June ye 7, A.D. 1752, Age 12 years, 1 mo. & 25 Days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of *Deacon Simon Stone Who Departed this Life October 22, A.D.
1746 Aged 60 Years, 2 mos. & 21 Days.
Insert: *Deacon Simon Stone 3rd was born Aug. 1, 1686, son of Simon Stone, Jr. & his wife,
Sarah Farnsworth of Groton. Sarah Farnsworth was the 7th child of Matthias Farnsworth
and his wife Mary Farr of Groton. Simon Stone Jr. was born Sept. 8, 1656 and d. Dec.
20, 1741 at Groton, Aged 85 years. He was the oldest son of Simon Stone & Mary Whipple
and born at Watertown, Mass. Deacon Simon Stone (above, buried at Harvard) married
*Sarah Farnsworth his cousin. Source: Farnsworth Memorial.
Here Lies Buried The Body of Mrs. *Sarah Stone, Wife of Deacon Simon Stone Who Departed
this Life May ye 30, 1767 in ye 78th Year of her Age.
Insert: She was the wife of *Deacon Simon Stone (above) Her maiden name was Sarah
Farnsworth. Her mother-in-law was also Sarah (Farnsworth) Stone. She was born 1689.
The children of Deacon Simon Stone 3rd and his wife, Sarah (Farnsworth) Stone were:
Source: Farnsworth Memorial
Simon Stone and his wife *Sarah Farnsworth
1. Simon Stone (4th) b. Sept 10, 1714.
2. Ephraim Stone b. Jan 2, 1716; died at Harvard, Mass. aged 18 yrs.
3. Oliver Stone b. Jan 20, 1720.
4. Sarah Stone b. Jan 27, 1722.
5. Isaac Stone b. Feb 17, 1724 m. May 3, 1765, Rachel Fiske of Boylston & moved
to Lancaster, Mass. He d. 1816 aged 93/4.
6. Hannah Stone b. April 18, 1726.
7. Elias Stone b. April 2, 1728.
8. Amos Stone b. Sept. 9, 1729.
This family probably left Groton early (Yes - removed to Harvard, Mass.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
In Memory of Mrs. Abigail Stow, wife of Mr. Benjamin Stow, who died March 15,
1791 Aged 32 years and 6 months.
Erected in Memory of Mr. Benjamin Stow who departed this Life June 19th, 1790,
In the 72nd year of his age.
The Memory of the just is blessed.
Here Lies the Body of Mr. Jonathan Symonds who departed this life January 24th, A.D.,
1770 in the 55th Year of his Age.
Death like an overflowing flood Doth sweep us all away.
The Old, the Young, the Middle aged - To Death become a pray.
Here lies the Body of Ephraim Taylor, son of Mr. Charles Taylor and Mrs. Mercy Taylor
his wife, who died Sept. ye 7th, A.D. 1778 Aged 1 year, 9 months & 2 days.
Memento mori. Here lies the Body of Israel Taylor, Esq., who departed this life
Sept. 2nd A.D. 1779, Aged 69 years and 3 months.
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Mary Taylor ye Wife of Doctor John Taylor, Who
Departed This Life November ye 29th, A.D. 1764, Aged 27 Years, 9 mos. & 22 day.s
Memento mori. In Memory of Mrs. Bethia Turner, wife of Mr. Simeon Turner who
departed this Life Jan. 13th, 1773, in the 50th year of her Age.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Aaron Warner son of Mr. Samuell Warner & Mrs Hannah
Warner, who deceased October ye 12th, A.D., 1746, Age 24 years, 8 mos. & 28 days.
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Samuel Warner. As you are so were we. As we are so
you will be. Who Departed this Life July 17th A.D. 1744 in ye 65 year of his age.
Erected in memory of Mr. Clark Warner who departed this life March 25, 1792, in the
39th year of his Age.
He suddenly was snatched away by Death the conquering foe.
But Christ shall brake the bars of death, and let his prisoner go.
To be continued Part 8 - p.494 - Epitaphs - Harvard, Mass.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
Part 8.
Memento mori. In Memory of Mrs. Hannah Warner, wife of Mr. Samuel Warner, who departed
this Life April 22, 1775 in ye 98th year of her Age.
In Memory of Mr. Aaron Warner, who departed this Life, Feb. 12, 1779. Aged 25 years &
7 mos.
Memento mori. In Memory of Miss Sarah Warner, dau. of Mr. Samuel Warner & Mrs. Hannah,
his wife. She departed this Life, March 6th, 1777, In ye 65th year of her age.
Memento mori. In Memory of Mrs. Dorathy Warner, wife of Mr. Nathan Warner, who departed
this Life March 31st, 1777, in ye 65th year of her Age.
Erected to the Memory of Mr. Nathan Warner, who died Jan'y 9th, 1792 in the 82nd year of
his Age.
Economical Industry, managed his own concerns & strict integrity his dealings with
mankind. Regular in his attendance on the public worship of God & conscientious & exact
in the habits of sobriety, he sought in public life the happiness which flows from
"guiltless competency."
Here lies ye body of Mr. Josiah Wetherbe, who departed this life April ye 5th A.D.
1783, in ye 77th year of his Age.
Behold and see as you pass by, As you be now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mr. John Wetherbee, Who Departed This Life May 30th
A.D. 1746, Age 44 Years, 11 mos. & 4 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Micah Wetherbee, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Anna Wetherbee, who Died
Sept. ye 10, 1756, in ye 12th year of his Age.
Here Lies ye Body of Anna Wetherbee, dafter of Mr. John & Mrs. Anna Wetherbee, who died
Sept. ye 22, 1756, in ye 15th year of Her Age.
Deliverance Wheeler, son of Mr. Thomas Wheeler, Jun'r & Mary his wife, who deceased
October ye 7th, 1748, Age 8 years, 6 mos. & 9 days.
Here lies Buried The Body of Mrs. Sarah Whitcomb, Wife of Mr. James Whitcomb Jun'r, Who
Died October ye 30, 1766 in ye 23 year of her Age.
Here lies ye body of Molley Whitcomb, dafter of Lieut. James Whitcomb & Mrs. Lucy
Whitcomb his wife, deceased October ye 15, 1778, Aged 5 years, 4 mos. & 15 days.
Here lies ye body of Mrs. Sarah Whitcomb, wife of Mr. Abel Whitcomb, who Departed
this Life June ye 20th A.D., 1772, Aged 22 years, 7 mos. & 1 day.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Lois Whitcomb, dau. of Mr. James & Mrs. Hannah Whitcomb,
who deceased May ye 16, 1739. Aged 8 years & 3 days.
Here lies buried ye Body of Lydia Whitcomb, dau. of Mr. James & Mrs. Hannah Whitcomb,
who deceased April ye 24, 1739 Aged 2 years, 5 mos. & 28 days.
Here lies buried ye body of Peter Whitcomb, son of Mr. James & Mrs. Hannah Whitcomb,
who deceased April ye 10th, 1739, aged 5 years, 18 mos. & 24 days.
Here lies the body of Mary Whetcomb the dau. of Mrs. James Whetcomb & Hannah, who died
November 25, 1736 in the 8th year of her age.
Here Lies Buried The Body of Lieut. Elijah Whitney, Who Departed This Life February
ye 19, A.D. 1755, Aged 47 years, 6 mos. & 14 days.
Here lies ye body of Elias Whitney, son of Lieut. Elijah & Mrs. Rebekah Whitney, who died
April ye 12, 1755, Aged 14 years & 9 mos. & 21 days.
Erected in Memory of Mrs. Hannah Whitney, wife of Leiut. Israel Whitney, who died Aug.
14th, 1788, aged 34 years.
With serious joy the enlightened soul, surveys a part, admires the whole.
Nor always silently surveys, but fired with gratitude to praise,
In holy confidence is blest, And calmly waits eternal rest.
In Memory of Luke Whitney, son of Deacon Israel Whitney & Mrs. Naby Whitney, who died
May 2d, 1795, aged 2 years, 2 months & 24 days.
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Whitney, wife of Mr. Abraham Whitney, who died July 4, 1800,
AEt. 82 years.
Here lies ye body of Mr. Abraham Whitney, who departed this Life May ye 19, A.D. 1784,
Aged 75 years, 3 months & 9 days.
Behold and see as you pass by, As you be now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be, Prepare for Death and follow me.
In Memory of Mr. Richard Whitney who departed this life May 4, 1798 in the 73 Year of
his Age.
Her lies the body of Hannah Whitney, daughter of Mr. Richard Whitney & Mrs. Mary his wife,
who died October 14th, 1767, Aged 4 years, 11 months & 26 days.
In Memory of Mr. Wetherbee Whitney who departed this life October 14, 1775, Aged 29
years and 5 months.
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Anna Whitney, wife of Mr. Aaron Whitney, who departed this
Life July 16th, 1773, Aged 30 years, 11 months & 27 days.
Here lies the Body of Moses Whitney ye only son of Mr. Aaron Whitney & Mrs. Anna his
wife, who died April 25, 1773, Aged 11 months & 21 days.
Here lies ye body of Mr. Jonas Whitney, Departed this life Sept. ye 18th A.D. 1770,
Aged 71 Years, 7 months & 7 days.
Memento mori. Here lies the Body of Miss Meriam Whitney, dau. of Mr. Jonas Whitney &
Mrs. Zebudah Whitney, his wife, who departed this Life April 30th, 1773, Aged 22 years,
8 months & 11 days.
In Memory of Mr. John Whitney who departed this life Dec. 25, 1781 in the 65th year of
his Age.
Behold & see all that pass by, As you are now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me.
In Memory of Mrs. Asena Whitney, Consort of Mr. Cyrus Whitney, who closed this
scene of life March 22, 1800 aged 27 years.
Shall we with faith's steady eye, View thee thy kindred angels join;
An inmate of thy native sky, While Heaven's eternal years are thine.
In Memory of Asena Whitney, dau. of Mr. Cyrus & Mrs. Asena Whitney, who died in her
8th month, November 4, 1800.
In Memory of Mrs. Alice Whitney, Relict of Deacon Jonathan Whitney, who departed this
Life February 19th, 1792 Aged 92 years & 2 months.
Here lies ye Body of Deacon Jonathan Whitney, who departed this Life November ye 8th,
A.D. 1773, Aged 78 years, 8 months & 12 days.
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Sarah Whitney, dau. of Deacon Jonathan Whitney & Mrs.
Alas Whitney, who deceaded December 26th, A.D. 1746, age 6 years, 6 mos. & 26 days.
Here Lies ye Body of Jonathan Whitney, son of Capt. Hezekiah Whitney & Mrs. Lucy Whitney,
who died May ye 5, 1776, Aged 1 year & 2 months.
Here lies ye Body of Joshua Whitney, son of Mr. Caleb & Mrs. Anes Whitney, who died
January ye 24, 1750 Age 3 weeks & 4 days.
To be continued Part 9 - p. 496 - Epitaphs from the Old Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth
The Burial Grounds at Harvard, Mass.
Source: The History of Harvard, Massachusetts, 1643-1732, by Henry S. Nourse,
Clinton, Mass. 1894. - W. J. Coulter, Printer.
p.496 Part 9.
Here Lies ye Body of Anes Whitney, Daft'r of Mr. Caleb & Mrs. Anes Whitney, Who Died
January ye 13, 1758, Age 1 year, 8 mos. & 22 days.
Abel Whitney died Dec. 2, 1799 aged 8 years, 1 mo. & 11 days, son of Mr. Abraham & Mrs.
Rebekah Whitney.
Joseph Whitney died May 16, 1799, aged 4 years, 4 mos. & 10 days, son of Mr. Abraham &
Mrs. Rebekah Whitney.
The lines upon a Memorial to Salmon Whitney who died in 1844 are much admired:
"As for me I will behold thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I
awake in thy likeness."
In Memory of Mr. Joseph Willard. He died July ye 30th, A.D. 1761. Aged 76 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Willard, Wife to Mr. Joseph Willard. She died Dec. ye 23d,
1763, Aged 72 years.
In Memory of Mr. William Willard, Who died March 17th, 1797 aged 84 years and 6 months.
In Memory of Mrs. Ellen Willard, Wife of Mr. William Willard, who died Sept'r 21st, 1796,
Aged 81 years, 4 mos. & 9 days.
Here lies the Body of Naby Willard, dau. of Simeon Willard & Mrs. Elizabeth, his wife,
who died Sept. 9, 1779, aged 4 years.
Memento mori. Erected in Memory of Mr. Simeon Willard, who departed this Life April 9th,
1777, Aged ____ years ____ months.
Here lies the body of Betsy Willard, dau. of Mr. Timothy Willard & Mrs. Elizabeth, his
wife, who died Sept. 3d, 1779, Aged 1 year, 9 mos. & 27 days.
Here lies buried ye Body of Mr. John Willard, Jun'r. Only child of Mr. John & Mrs.
Ann Willard, who deceased May ye 6th, A.D. 1739, age 23 years, 11 mos. & 30 days.
The lines which close the epitaph of Deacon Lemuel Willard, who died in 1821, have been
much admired:
When present usefull; Absent, wanted. Lived, respected: Died Lamented.
Memento mori. Here lied the Body of Mrs. Abigail Wood, Wife of Mr. Eliphelet Wood. She
departed this Life Jan. 23, 1780, in the 48th year of her Age.
Behold and see all that pass by. As you are now so once was I.
As I am now so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me.
In Memory of Miss Lucy Wood, dau. of Mr. Eliphelet & Mrs. Abigail Wood who died Nov. 5th,
1800, Aged 32 years, 4 mos. & 11 days.
Lament no more dear friends for me. Under the dust you soon must be.
Cut down at noon my fate arrives. Yet know that my Redemmer lives.
When the last trumpets joyful sound - opens the graves and saints are crowned.
O then my friends we meet again. Dwelling in bliss when time shall end.
In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Worster, wife of Mr. Samuel Worster, who died in childbirth
Sept. ye 21, 1776, Aged 24 years, 8 mos. & 21 days.
Though she was fair while she had breath, And on her cheeks the rose did bloom,
Yet her dear babe became her death, while she became the infants tomb.
Here lies ye Body of Rebekah Worster, Wife of Mr. Jonathan Worster, who died January
ye 20, A.D. 1772 in ye 58th year of her Age.
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Jonathan Worster who Died April 12th, A.D., 1754, Aged
46 years and 5 months.
Dear Friends For Me pray do not Weep. I am not dead but here do sleep.
And here indeed I must remain til Christ Shall Raise Me Up Again.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of John Worster, son of Jonathan & Rebekah Worster, Who
Deceased October ye 26, A.D. 1746 Age 5 years, 7 mos. & 18 Days.
Here lies buried ye Body of Jonathan Worster, son of Jonathan & Rebekah Worster, who
deceased October ye 10th, A.D. 1746, Age 3 years, 10 mos. & 4 days.
Here Lies the Body of Mary Worster, dau. of Jonathan Worster & Rebekah, who deceased
November the 1st, 1736, in the 2nd year of her Age.
Here Lies buried ye Body of Jonathan Worster, son of Jonathan & Rebekah, who deceased
May 8, 1739, Age 2 years, 1 mo. & 14 days.
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Rebekah Worster, ye daughter of Jonathan & Rebekah Worster,
who deceased May ye 13, 1739 Aged 5 years, 3 mos. & 12 days.
Here lies ye body of John Worster, Son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Rebekah Worster, Who died
August ye ___ A.D. 1755 in ye 4th year of his age.
Here lies ye Body of Lemuel Worster, son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Rebekah Worster. Who died
April 20, A.D. 1773 in ye 20th year of his Age.
Tombstone in Still River.
In Memory of Deacon William Willard who died March 7, 1793 AET 55 years and 4 months.
Lord we thee thank. We sing thy praise.
For calling thus thy children hom.
And shortning tribulation days.
To hide them in the peaceful tomb.
Susannah Willard died Oct 3, 1792 aged 62.
David Crouch died July 20, 1793 aged 68.
Eunice Lathe died Jan. 27, 1794 aged 60.
Ruth Keep died April 19, 1794 aged 23.
Sarah Bemis died May 26, 1795 aged 75.
Rachel Adams died June 21, 1796 aged 70.
Meriam Powers died July 23, 1796 aged 74.
Elizabeth Mixter died Dec 25, 1797 aged 56.
Hannah Williams died July 10, 1798 aged 12.
Elizabeth Shattuck died Oct. 7, 1798 aged 72.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth