21 April 2006 Day 2 North Seymour Island
Photos from afternoon hike, North Seymour,Galapagos. Tip Top
III group above.
After getting squared away on board the Tip Top III,
we were led to our first dry landing on North Seymour Island. Our leader
Barry is on the left (I am just off camera on the left) and our naturalist
Patti has her backpack to the camera. North Seymour is a low, flat island
uplifted by underground seismic activity. It is just north of Baltra, and
a good spot for Frigatebirds and Boobies
Click on thumbnails below for 6 x 4 photo......................
Frigatebird feedingFrigatebird chickFrigates above and below
I have a video of the same baby frigate feeding on a large fish, regurgitated
by its mother.