Balistes capriscus
The Gray Triggerfish has large incisor teeth and a deep laterally compressed
body covered with tough, sandpaper-like skin. Unlike their cousin, the filefish,
triggerfish have more than one dorsal spine. The action of this spine gives
the triggerfish its (common) name. The first spine is large, and when erect
it remains so until the smaller second spine is deflexed, triggering the
first. the gray triggerfish is easily distinguished by its drab color from
the queen triggerfish, which is vividly colored.
The Ocean Triggerfish, Canthidermis
sufflamen is also uniformly Gray, but has black blotch at base of
pectoral fin.
Size: 5-9 inches; max 12 inches;
Depth: 15-50 feet;
Audubon Field Guide; page 671;
Reef Fish ID 3rd ed; page 394-395; plates 395;